Monday 11 June 2012

A beginning

Millions of people around the world blog for gazillions of different reasons, and there are millions believe you me (I could not find a domain name that wasn't already taken), yet they all have one thing in common - they all are bursting with things, opinions and incidences, to share. I am no different. Being a loquacious person, its nothing but justified that I write a blog.

As I mentioned already, e blogger just won't approve any domain name that I was suggesting and made me think very very hard. So I tried the routine, most people, at least idiots like me, try when they want to come up with a name or a title - think of things that make me happy or remind me of a happy place. Hence the name pitcherfullbeer. No, that does not make me an alcoholic. I just happen to associate beer with happy lively occasions - a cricket/fifa match at home, a sports bar full of crazy fans with beer, chilling out with friends after a boring day at office etc etc etc.

My blog name, though it sounds like the title of a clichéd psychoanalysis crap in the name of a book, is the story of my life. Lol. No, I am not going to start off with some psychobabble. Nor am I going to glorify anything about my life, like how I became a new person n stories like that. Instead, I am going to crib about a disease that has slain many - Procrastination. Indeed blessed are those who are free from it. :D

I , like an enthusiast about almost everything, take up a lot of endeavours. Each endeavour a new beginning, a fresh attempt to cure myself n become this active person I always wanted to be - those super sexy career oriented chicks hopping from office to pub to home in no time and with no effort. I start with this bursting enthusiasm n hopes of making it this time. After a while my enthusiasm is like this soggy chip left in open for too long a time. I get dismayed and start looking for something new, a new beginning literally forgetting about the last. Treating this illness is proving out to be more expensive than treating cancer. 

But I get the feeling that I have made a slight breakthrough this time. All I need is immense determination to stick to it and keep this bag of chips crisp. ;) 

Will get back with more.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I simply loved your blog! you write really well. all the very best!

  3. Your blog has both a regular taste and an air of freshness. Looking forward to reading what happens after the "beginning"
